Man and woman are not only physically different, they are psychologically different. Sex is not only a difference in the body; it is a difference in psychologies also.
A feminine mind means receptivity -- total receptivity, surrender, love.

A disciple needs a feminine psychology; otherwise he will not be able to learn. You can ask, but if you are not open then you cannot be answered. You can ask a question and still remain closed.
Then the answer cannot penetrate you. Your doors are closed; you are dead. You are not open.
A feminine receptivity means a womb-like receptivity in the inner depth, so that you can receive. And not only that -- much more is implied. A woman is not only receiving
something, the moment she receives it, it becomes a part of her body. A child is received.
A woman conceives; the moment there is conception, the child has become part of the
feminine body. It is not alien, it is not foreign. It has been absorbed. Now the child will live not as something added to the mother, but just as a part, just as the mother. And the child is not only received: the feminine body becomes creative; the child begins to grow.
Aggressiveness is the way of a man, and surrender is the way of a woman. But being incomplete men and women, as most of us are, no man is capable of being fully aggressive and no woman is capable of being surrendered. And that is why, when two
incomplete man and woman relate with each other, their relationship is paluged by struggle and strife.
Woman is passive; passive waiting is her way. She cannot be aggressive; she is very receptive. She has not only a womb in her body, even her mind is like a womb too.
The English word woman, wo-man, is very meaningful; Woman's whole makeup is receptive.Woman's receptivity turns into waiting and man's aggressively into search, into exploration.
It is interesting to note that woman never takes the initiative in proposing love to a man, she always recieves proposals from man.
Another beauty of feminine love is that it never says a straight forward yes when the man a woman loves comes to propose his love to her. While verbally she says no-which means yes she says yes with her silent gestures, with her whole being turned into love.
A disciple needs a womb-like receptivity. Whatsoever is received is not to be gathered as dead knowledge. It must grow in you; it must become blood and bones in you. It must become a part, now. It must grow! This growth will change you, will transform you -- the receiver. That is why tantra uses this device. Every treatise starts with Devi asking a question and Shiva replying to it. Devi is Shiva's consort, his feminine part.
One thing more.... Now modern psychology, depth psychology particularly, says that
man is both man and woman. No one is just male and no one is just female; everyone is
bi-sexual. Both sexes are there. This is a very recent research in the West, but for tantra this has been one of the most basic concepts for thousands of years. You must have seen some pictures of Shiva as ARDHANARISHWAR -- half man, half woman. There is no other concept like it in the whole history of man. Shiva is depicted as half man, half woman
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