“I started leafing through it and suddenly I read something that surprises me:
The acomodador or giving-up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappointment in love, even a victory that we did not quiet understands, can make cowards of us and prevents us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his hidden powers, the shaman must first free himself from that giving-up point and, to do so, he must review his whole life and find out where it occurred.”

What the author has tried to convey is that, sometimes in our lives we come to a point where the pace of life seems to be halting or sometimes comes to a standstill, and leave us wondering whether what we are striving is really worthy?
It has happened with me more than once. for instance, when I started learning Guitar, initially I progressed reasonably well and I was contented with my progress but suddenly I realized that my companions are making far better music, so something urged me to stop and I surrendered to that and now I feel that I could have progressed farther than that.
The reason I am sharing this is that same feeling I am having now-a-days. This time it is concerning something more phenomenal and concerning.
The acomodador or giving-up point has arrived and now I have to make a choice whether to stop altogether or to keep moving as I have been looked upon by someone.
I take this as a sign: my reading this book, and pondering over this particular article, something is falling is its place and showing me the way, as what to do. I know that it involves substantial risk and anguish but I decide to stand up this time and face the reality and stop being a coward of the circumstances, as the question is not of acceptance or denial, its of trust, its of respect and above all its of Love….
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