Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Music-a new paradigm

Listening to the music,
be alert, penetrate the music, and find the backbone of it -- the central thing which goes on flowing, holding everything together. Notes come and go and disappear, but the central core flows on. Become aware of it.
Basically, originally, music was used for meditation; particularly Indian music developed as a method of meditation, Indian dancing developed as a method of meditation.
For the doer it was a deep meditation, and for the audience also it was a deep meditation.
A dancer or a musician can be a technician. If there is no meditation in it, he is a
technician. He can be a great technician, but then the soul is not there, only the body. The soul comes only when the musician is a deep meditator.
And music is just the outward thing. While playing on his sitar, one is not only playing on his sitar, he is also playing on his alertness inside. The sitar goes on outwardly and his intense awareness moves inside. The music flows outwardly, but he is alert, constantly aware of the innermost core of it. And that gives samadhi. That becomes ecstasy. That becomes the highest peak.

It is said that when the musician has really become the musician, he will break his
instrument -- because it is of no use. If he still needs his instrument, he is not a real musician yet. He is just learning.

On the contrary, you are using music as something like alcohol. You are using it to be relaxed,
you are using it for self-forgetfulness. This is the misfortune, the misery: the techniques which were developed for awareness are being used for sleep. And this is how man goes on doing mischief with himself.

We have been using music as a drug, dancing as a drug. And if you want to use music
and dancing as drugs, then they will become not only drugs for your sleep, they will
become drugs for sexuality also. So remember this point: sexuality and sleep go together.
The more sleepy the person, the more sexual; the more awake, the less sexual. Sex is
basically rooted in sleep. When you awake you will be more loving, the whole energy of sex will have been transformed to love.

So...now onwards listen to music in a different view...and ut will do miracles..it will make u cry...make u laugh and sometimes...jus see the inner picture...

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